Thursday 24 January 2008

Been a bit up and down over the last few days. I keep reading web sites and there is some grisly stuff out there.

However, some of it might be helpful. I got a self-help book of exercises for post-surgery as much of the pain post-surgery is (apparently) due to pronlems with the underarm incision so they can get at the lymph nodes. (And no way do I want to think about the size of the incision!!) I've also been looking at the Penn Brohn cancer care site and the stuff about diet was interesting. Basically, it's a practically vegan diet with a little animal protein, and having 8-10 servings of fruit and veg a day. I've been trying but not sure I'm too happy with the wind. Anyway, there's no way the hospital will lay that on! I think if anything I was happier following my instincts and eating what I fancied which was basically food from fresh ingredients (i.e. not bought-in stuff) as I wasn't craving chocolate and sugar like I am now. I've cut right back on tea and coffee and don't miss them. I've also practically knocked drinking on the head. I've lost a few pounds so that's a bonus. I've decided I can happily lost a total of 2 stone from my starting point so I'm not worrying about my weight unless it starts going up.

Yesterday, I had my first cranio-sacral therapy session. It's meant to help with emotional balancing as well as some physical symptoms. It was brilliant! I felt like I'd been doing yoga all day - all tall and calm. I must ask my therapist how often I can have that...

More depressing things: Underwear. I'm a strictly underwired and padded kinda gal so having to find a non-wired bra to wear is hospital is a bit grim. Makes me look a funny shape. I must try to find time to brave M&S or John Lewis and get one bra fitted. It would be very grim to have a prosthesis popping out of my teeshirt neckline. Not that it would be that untoward, I suppose, since everyone seems to wear chicken fillets now! Piercings: I'd already taken out the left nipple one 'cos it had been a bit manky, and the right one had to go when I had an x-ray on 2 Jan. My clit hood one has to come out before my op. : - ( No real idea why. Hopefully, it won't heal up in a day. I hope I'm in a private room as it might cause some shenanigans when hubby helps me put it back in - we're both getting so longsighted, we'll never get that little ball thing placed properly in the middle of the ring! I can see us chasing a little gold ball all over the place.

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